Mongolia - Wikipedia, the free
Although Mongolia does not share
a border with Kazakhstan, its western-most point
is only a few miles from Kazakhstan's eastern
Official Tourism Website of
Mongolia is one of few places
where nature still keeps its original condition.
You can find here fresh air and pure water
springs, sand dunes of Gobi desert.
CIA - The World Factbook Mongolia Features map
and brief descriptions of the geography, people,
government, economy, communications,
transportation, military and transnational
issues. Image results for mongolia - Report
images. |
Mongolia: History, Geography, Government, and
Information on Mongolia —
geography, history, politics, government,
economy, population statistics, culture,
religion, languages, largest cities,
mongolia Travel Information and Travel Guide -
Lonely Planet Mongolia tourism and travel
information including facts, maps, history,
culture, transport and weather in Mongolia. Find
popular places to visit in Mongolia
Website of Government Organizations of Mongolia.
Official site with information about
departments, presidency and news. [English,
Online - Mongolian Social Link and Networking
Your online guide to Mongolian websites.
Mongolia Facts about the land, people, history,
government, political conditions, economy,
foreign relations.
Mongolia Today online magazine is an online
cultural e-zine about Mongolian traditional
nomadic culture and history, travel info,
mongolia, current news and affairs.
Mongolia : Country Studies -
Federal Research Division
Library of June 1989 country
profile provides information about its
historical setting, society and environment,
economy, government and politics, and national
BBC NEWS | World | Asia-Pacific | Country
profiles | Country 16 Feb 2009 Mongolia spreads
across 1.5 million sq km of the Central Asian
The MPRP, the former communist party, ruled
Mongolia for much of the 20th
Mongolia in the Yahoo! DirectoryYahoo! reviewed
these sites and found them related to Mongolia.
Permanent Mission Of Mongolia to the United
NationsPermanent Mission of Mongolia to United
Nations, with information on doing business with
Mongolia and on its political and constitutional
Mongolia travel guide -
Open source travel guide to
Mongolia, featuring up-to-date information on
attractions, hotels, restaurants, nightlife,
travel tips and more.
Governments on the WWW: MongoliaLinks to
websites of governmental institutions and
political parties in Mongolia.
WHO | MongoliaMongolia This map is an
approximation of actual country borders. Click
on image for a detailed pdf version. CONTACT
INFORMATION. The WHO Representative
MongoliaThe aim of the conference is to engage
well known policymakers from the rest of the
world with those in Mongolia in finding ways to
address Mongolia's. |