Area: 2,725,647
Km ²
Population: 16,731,000 (estimated 2001)
Density: 6 ab / Km ²
Form of government: Presidential Republic
Capital: Astana (280,000 inh.)
Other cities: Alma-Ata 1245000 ab.,
Karaganda 552000 ab., Ust-Kamenogorsk 230000
ab., Semipalatinsk 220000 ab., 150,000 ab
Dzambul., Pavlodar 130,000 inhabitants.
Ethnic groups: Kazakhstan 40%, Russians
37%, German 6%, Ukraine 5%
Neighboring countries: Russia to the
north and west, China to the east, Kyrgyzstan,
Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan to SOUTH
Main mountain: Gora Belukha 4506 m.
Main rivers: Irtys 4248 Km (total,
including Chinese and Russian sections),
Syrdarja 2671 Km (total, including sections
Uzbek, Tajik and Kyrgyz), Ural 2428 Km (total,
including the Russian section), Ishim 2100 Km
(total, including stroke Russian), Emba 618 Km.
Main lakes: Caspian Sea 371,000 km ²
(including parts Russian, Azerbaijani, Turkmen
and Iranian), Lake Aral 41,000 km ² (including
Uzbek part), Lake Balhas 18,200 Km ², Lake
Zajsan 5000 Km ², Alakol 2650 km ²
Main islands: --
Climate: Continental
Language: Kazakh (official), Russian,
German, Uighur, Ukrainian
Religion: Muslim 47%, Orthodox, Lutherans and
others 53%
Currency: Kazakhstan Tenge
Kazak Cooking Recipes
Fly to Alma-Ata
from Bologna, Milano, Roma, Venezia
starting from 840 € |