Surface: 648 Km ²
Population: 4,300,000 (estimates 2001)
Density 6636 inh / km ²
Form of government: Presidential Republic
Capital: Singapore (3,325,000 inh.)
Other cities: --
Ethnic groups: Chinese 77% Malay and 15%
Indonesian, Pakistani and Indians 7%,
Europeans 1%
Neighboring countries: Malaysia NORTH
Monti main Bukit Timah 177 m
Main rivers: Selet 15 Km
Main lakes: --
Main islands: Singapore 573 km ²
Climate: Tropical
Language: Malay, Chinese, Tamil, English
(all official)
Religion: Buddhist 29%, Christian 19%,
Muslim 16%, Taoist 13%
Currency: Singapore Dollar

Flight a / r for Singapore
From Bologna, Milan, Rome, Venice
Price from € 599 |